Snap! Creative Ideas At Your Finger Tips

Learn to Solve Problems Creatively in 7 Hours

What is the course about?

We all have problems. Problems come in all shapes and sizes – personal problems, interpersonal problems, problems at school, problems at work, etc. Any problem can become easy and fun to solve if you know how to think creatively. Anyone can be creative. It is not a matter of ‘you have it or you don’t’. With this course, you will learn how to generate creative ideas as the snap of your fingers!


What is the Target Audience?

This course is for you if you want: 

  • to have more confidence to face up to challenges?
  • to live up to your Creative Potential?
  • to survive and succeed in the 21st Century?

No prior knowledge required. Course participants should come with an open mind to soak up our creative know-how like a sponge.


How Mastery of our Creative Thinking Knowhow will Enrich Your Life

  • Gives you confidence to face up to challenges and live up to your Creative Potential
  • Enables you to effectively solve problems that you have not encountered before
  • Helps you to survive and succeed in the 21st Century

You will learn Significantly & Have Fun

The PCAN Model is a simple and powerful approach to overcoming any problem that you will face. It will help you break down your problems into bite-sized pieces so that they are more easily understood and you can solve them more effectively.


Our 4 CreativeIdeas-On-Demand© Techniques are a series of step-by-step, proven thinking skills. 

  • SCAMPER-Plus Technique 
  • Concept Possibilities Expansion Technique
  • Idea-Fission Technique The Problem Reversal Technique


These techniques will help you think illogically to systematically generate many ideas or solutions. These techniques are easy to understand and easy to apply.


Why This Course is Dramatically Different from the Others

  • We use real-life challenges, examples, quizzes with suggested solutions, diagrams and photos to make our Creative Thinking know-how tangible.
  • We designed this course to compress more than 20 years of research into easy to understand materials which can be digested in 7 hours.
  • In the videos, you have a caricature of a lecturer to replicate the feeling of someone coaching you, encouraging you and punching through learning points.
  • We have selected 22 YouTube videos to complement our well-designed courseware.
  • This course is proven and time-tested in the Singapore Management University and numerous corporate training workshops. The skills taught in this course really work.


About the Course Instructor 

Richard Mak is an award-winning entrepreneur. He holds an MBA in ‘Creative Problem-Solving’. He has taught the Creativity & Innovation module with the Open University MBA programme. He teaches the ‘Creative Thinking’ module as an adjunct lecturer with the Singapore Management University. 


Richard Mak has more than 20 years of experience in research, consulting and teaching Creative Thinking. He has designed and delivered training programmes in Creative Thinking and Innovation to multi-national corporations, Singapore-listed companies, the public sector and educational institutions in Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, USA, China and the Middle-east.


As a practitioner in creativity, he has invented Zeros-To-Heros®, the world’s first board game in entrepreneurship. This game has been nominated for the MENSA Select Award. Richard is also a director of Alpha-Plus Training Consultants Pte. Ltd. ( 


“The winners in life’s journey are those who are able 

to solve problems creatively at the snap of a finger.” 

Richard Mak 

How Long is the Course?

  • Total video duration: 7 hours
  • 8 Sections divided into 25 Lectures
  • 8 pdf downloadable files
  • 25 carefully selected YouTube videos
  • Quizzes with Suggested Solutions
  • Real-Life Challenges with Suggested solutions
  • Creativity Chill-Outs

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Section 1: Value of Creative Thinking

    • Section 1: Value of Creative Thinking

    • Creative Ideas are the New Currencies in the 21st Century

    • Be entertained by very Insightful Videos

  • 2

    Session 2 – Let’s Go On A Journey

  • 3

    Session 3 – Creative Thinking Killers

  • 4

    Session 4 – 6 Ways to boost Your Creative Thinking Capability

  • 5

    Session 5 – The PCAN Model – The Creative Problem-Solving Approach

    • Session 5 – The PCAN Model – The Creative Problem-Solving Approach

    • Overview of the Problem Crunching Machine

    • Explore the Problem by Micro-scoping and Tele-scoping

    • Find the Root Causes of Problems

    • Power-Up Your Brain

  • 6

    Session 6 – The SCAMPER Technique & The SCAMPER-Plus Techniques

  • 7

    Session 7: The Concept Possibilities Expansion Technique

    • The Concept Possibilities Expansion Technique

    • Grasp the “Key Points” and Spray them to Cross- Pollinate Ideas

    • Windmills of Our Minds

    • Seeking the Missing Links between Crazy Ideas and Innovative solutions

    • To seek the Gems of an Idea

    • How to see the World in a Grain of Sand…

  • 8

    Session 8 – The Problem Reversal Technique